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Libguide Libguide: Videos

Videos - Introduction

Video considerations

  1. Is the video you want to use one of our library videos? All the videos we create in the Library are already in Libguides as assets, and many are in a box of their own. (See Reusing mapped boxes.) These are stored in the AA Asset Source of Truth or in our template guides. So always check if you can map to the original asset or box. 
  2. Not one of our videos? You can add it yourself! But think about how you want to use or reuse the video:
  • Use Media/Widget if you want to embed a YouTube video, and/or if you want to create an "Asset" from the video and have it available for use elsewhere. This is the more likely option.

  • Use Rich Text/HTML if you do NOT want to create an "Asset" of your video.

  • Contact the LibGuides team if you think the video will have wider application, and should be added (in its own box) to the Non CSU Videos page in the AA Asset Source of Truth.

Add a Library video

The steps to inserting one of our existing video assets will depend on how you want the video to display:

1. If you wish to insert a box that is dedicated to a video asset, with no other content in the same box, then the best option is to reuse one of the boxes in the AA Asset Source of Truth.

Be sure to select the correctly-sized box (from the Video Assets Small page or the Video Assets Large page).

If you do this, be sure to map to the original box and NOT create a copy. (If you do create a copy, you will also create a duplicate asset for the video, and we are trying to avoid that)

2. If you don't wish to add one of the Library video boxes as a mapped box - for example because you want to place other content, such as text or links, in the box - then you can add the video as an asset. If you are doing this then it's important that you find and re-use the asset. 

Each of our videos has two original assets, a standard size (large) and a small. The small has specific dimensions to allow the asset to be used in a 33% column without any letterboxing (black rows at top and bottom) of the video. The large is designed to fit a 67% column.

To insert a video asset:

  1. Click on Add / Reorder
  2. Select Media/Widget
  3. Click on Reuse Existing Widget
  4. Type the name of the video in the search box [unfortunately you can't search by Asset ID]. Small video assets include the word "small"  in the asset name.
  5. Select the correct asset. There might be several with the same title (duplicate assets are hard to avoid!): look for one with its original location as Assets List and owned by Lauren H., Alison L., or Toby.
  6. Choose where the embedded video is to be positioned (in the box) and click on Save.

Note: Do NOT tick the box for Make a copy of this resource instead of mapping to the original ... The idea of reusing an official asset is that we do want to map to it, and we don't want to create a new, duplicate asset!

Embedding Panopto and YouTube videos

Note: You do not need to create assets to embed CSU LIbrary YouTube videos. These all exist as original assets and in boxes you can map from the Asset Source of Truth.

To embed a video:

  1. Copy the embed code from Panopto/YouTube etc
  2. At the place where you wish to embed the video, click on Add/Reorder > Media/Widget.
  3. Complete the form:
    1. Give the asset a name
    2. Paste the copied code into the Embed Code field.
    3. Add/update the title element - more details below.
  4. Click on Save.

Adding or updating the title element

Any video or widget you are adding using an embed code needs to have a title included in the embed code. This includes:

  • YouTube videos
  • Panopto videos
  • H5P quizzes and activities

To add this to your embed code, after <iframe:

  • add: title=”video/widget title”
  • In YouTube videos replace the existing title element with the video title

Boxes and assets mapped from the Asset Source of Truth already have these changes applied.






<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title=“Using case citators: Keycite" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


<iframe src="" height="405" width="720" style="border: 1px solid #464646;" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay"></iframe>

<iframe title=“MGT501 Library introduction” src="" height="405" width="720" style="border: 1px solid #464646;" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay"></iframe>


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