Finding a VitalSource eBook
If you have the details of the eBook you need:
- Search for the title of the book in Primo Search
- Select the title of the resource from the search results to open the item record
- Select VitalSource from the View Online options.
If you're accessing this eBook through your Readings and Resources list from your subject site:
- Select the View Online option for the item.
Creating your bookshelf account
To take full advantage of the books in this collection you need to create a personal Bookshelf account. You can do this when you first access the collection, or at any time later. If you don’t have a personal bookshelf, and you select to skip this step, you can access the content but can only read online.
To create your Bookshelf account, when prompted:
- Provide your name, email, and security details
- Select that you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
- Click Create.
Opening and borrowing a VitalSource eBook
Once you have your personal Bookshelf and you open an eBook, you are effectively creating a 2-hour digital loan of the book in the online reader.
Within the eBook, you can:
- Jump to a specific chapter using the Table of Contents or specify the exact page you need
- Search for keywords within the book
- Bookmark pages to return to
- Access CoachMe practice questions (on selected titles)
- Use the read aloud feature, and
- Make annotations such as notes and highlights.