Print options
Copyright limits apply. You can print 10% of the page range OR one complete chapter, whichever is greater.
To print a selected page range:

- Use the table of contents to navigate to the required pages
- Use your internet browser print options to print
- We recommend printing to a PDF document that you can store on your computer
- If possible select the reader view in your browser and then print to PDF. This will result in a cleaner document that makes best use of the page space.
You can also copy/paste into another external program, such as Microsoft Word, and then print the document.
Download options
The browser version of O'Reilly does not enable file download, however you can use the O'Reilly mobile app to download content for offline reading.
When opening the app for the first time it will ask you to login using an email address:
- Enter your Charles Sturt email address or use
- Click on the Sign in link or click in the password box (you don’t need to enter a password at this point)
- Click on Sign in with Single Sign On
- At the Charles Sturt login page, enter your Charles Sturt username and password.
Once you are logged in you will be able to access content from the O'Reilly platform, including any resources you have saved to your queue playlist.
To download items in the app:
- Locate the resource you'd like to download
- Add it to a playlist
- Return to the Your O'Reilly page (app homepage)
- Open playlists and the playlist with your resource within it
- Select download.