Finding an EBSCOhost eBook
If you have the details of the eBook you need:
- Search for the title of the book in Primo Search
- Select the title of the resource from the search results to open the item record
- Select EBSCOhost Ebooks from the View Online options.
If you're accessing this eBook through your Readings and Resources list from your subject site:
- Select the View Online option for the item.
Opening and reading an EBSCOhost eBook
The view online links in Primo or your Readings and Resources list will bring you to the book information page. On this page you will see the book details, a brief description, the print/download quota and the table of contents menu.
To open the book and start reading:
- Select either the PDF full text or EPUB full text links from the top left of the details page.
When the book is open you can:
- Navigate through chapters using the table of contents
- Use the bottom navigation toolbar to move between pages and zoom
- Search within the book
- If you create an EBSCOhost account you can also sign in and add notes.
Using the menu items across the top of the page you can also:
- Add to folder - this is temporary unless you are signed in to your EBSCOhost account
- Save pages - save a page, page range or chapter to PDF. More details below
- Email pages - email a PDF version of a page or page range
- Print pages - save a page, page range or chapter to PDF. More details below
- Cite - options for a number of referencing styles
- Dictionary - enables you to search for definitions within the EBSCOhost eBooks interface
- Export - export citation to EndNote or other bibliographic management software
- Permalink - create a link to return to the book. Link accessible to Charles Sturt staff and students only
- Share - share to various social media accounts. Again accessible to Charles Sturt staff and students only.