The Library's ever increasing collection of eBooks are well suited to subject reading lists. We purchase textbooks in electronic format, wherever possible, to try and reduce the financial burden on students and enhance their learning experience.
By choosing eBooks you can embed links to critical subject readings in your learning modules. No more copyright clash emails or searching in Primo Search for subject reserve. Students can click on a link to access selected readings or the whole book and not have to worry about placing requests and waiting for postage.
It's important to consider the suitability of individual eBook licences prior to adding them to your reading list, as access conditions vary on individual titles, according to publisher specifications. Publishers may for example:
- Restrict the number of simultaneous users
- Place limits on printing, copying text and downloads, or
- Remove a title from sale, preventing us from purchasing additional copies to meet increased demand.
If you have questions or would like to talk further about using eBooks for teaching contact your Library Faculty Team.
To add eBooks or eBook chapters to your Readings and Resources (Leganto) list please see the Add and edit items page of our Using Leganto for Staff guide.