Short titles can be used for legislative materials and secondary resources in AGLC4. A shortened version of a case name can also be used to replace the Party names in a case citation.
Short titles should be introduced following the full version of the citation/reference the first time they are referred to both in text and in the footnote, ie, if a short title is used in a footnote first, then the first time it is used in text, the short title must be repeated.
The format for short titles is ('Short title') the title follows the italics formatting conventions of the resource type in AGLC4 Guide.
These decisions were Pape v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (‘Pape’)81 and Williams v Commonwealth [No 2] (‘Williams [No 2]’).82
80 See also Williams v Commonwealth [No 2] (2014) 252 CLR 416 (‘Williams [No 2]’).
81 (2009) 238 CLR 1 (‘Pape’).
82 Williams [No 2] (n 82) 476 [110] (Crennan J)..
83 Pape (n 81) 125–6 [365] (Hayne and Kiefel JJ).
84 Australian Law Reform Commission, Traditional Rights and Freedoms: Encroachments by Commonwealth Laws (Report No 129, December 2015) 209 [7.111] (‘Traditional Rights and Freedoms’).
86 Traditional Rights and Freedoms (n 84) 209 [7.111].