Use the following fields to provide the narrative of your research engagement activity:
- Category
- Activity associated with
- Title
- Description
- Purpose
- Role
- Outcomes
- Period of time
- Degree of recognition
Item/Field |
Description/Instructions |
Category |
Select the category which best describes the primary end-user the engagement activity was concerned with. This could be the organisation/agency with which the activity was in partnership with or for, or the group implementing any outcomes arising from the engagement activity.
Options include academic, community, government and industry. Only one may be selected.
Activity associated with:
- Events
- External organisations
Enter the details of the primary end-user as an external organisation or event. You may only enter details for either an organisation or an event.
If the engagement was primarily concerned with an event, i.e. organising a conference, links to the event within the pop-up form will not appear on the CRO portal (public webpage), however links can also be added in the 'Documents and links' section or 'Relations'.
If the major engagement includes a series of events or a portfolio of events and activities, you can add these as individual activities in CRO, and then link them via 'Relations'.
Event options include:
- conference
- workshop
- Seminar
- exhibition
- other
- course
- online presentation
External organisations
Enter the details of the primary end-user as an external organisation. Details of individuals can be added in the 'Participants and affiliations' section.
Types include:
- government
- private non-profit
- unknown
- funding body
- academic
- corporate
- medical
- court
Title |
Provide a brief description of the major engagement.
Consider a wide audience for your title as this will become the case study headline on your CRO profile (if you wish to make it public).
Description |
Provide a summary of the engagement activity and its key outcomes. Use this field to describe the end-users involved in the engagement, and if relevant their scope of influence or audience.
Purpose |
Describe the purpose of the engagement activity. This is your opportunity to describe why you initiated, lead or participated in the activity. Consider addressing the intended outcomes of the activity.
Consider addressing how the activity was intended to transfer knowledge, methods, resources or technology to end-users.
Role |
Describe the nature of the engagement activity and your role. Consider addressing the following prompts in paragraph form:
- How did you become involved?
- Who else was involved and what was their contribution?
- How did your research contribute to the engagement activity?
Describe the skills, time, expertise you contributed to the engagement activity.
Refer to any evidence you have collected, supporting the claims you are making about your involvement. You can link these documents in the 'Documents and links' section.
Include the involvement of university staff and resources, if relevant. What role did Charles Sturt play? Were facilities, equipment, staff or resources used?
Outcomes |
Describe the changes that occurred as a result of the engagement activity. Outcomes could include:
- Development of commercial products or licenses, patents
- New companies or joint ventures
- Job creation
- Implementation of programs or policies
- Citations of your research
- Integration into policy, guidelines or practice
- Changes in awareness or knowledge
Refer to any evidence you have collected, supporting the claims you are making about the outcomes of the engagement activity. Link the evidence in the 'Documents and links' section.
If relevant, you may want to discuss how the actual outcomes differed from the intended outcomes.
Period of time |
Please provide either a specific date or the period of time over which the engagement occurred.
This is critical for RPI assessments of major engagement case studies. The engagement must be completed and not currently ongoing for inclusion in the RPI assessment.
Degree of recognition |
Indicate the degree of recognition of the audience, or the audience of the primary end-user.
Degree of recognition considers the geographic scope of the engagement activity.
You may only select one value, so select the most appropriate value which represents the widest scope.
Continue to the next section of the form by navigating to the Participants tab.