In the Impact case study form in CRO, scroll down to the Keywords section until you see Impact Case Study Status:
Click the 'Add impact case study status' button.
From the pop-up box, select the options which reflects the status of your case study.
Case studies not for RPI assessment
In some cases researchers may enter an impact case study that highlights their academic, teaching or other research impact for showcasing on their public CRO profile. Usually, these case studies are not eligible for RPI assessment, however researchers may wish to record them in CRO.
Use the 'Not for RPI assessment' keyword options if you do not wish to have your case study assessed for RPI points.
Save your case study as 'draft' while you are working on it, and then update it to 'final' when you are ready for it to be 'approved'. To do this, click the '-' next to the draft keyword option to remove it. Then click 'Add Impact case study status' to open the pop-up box and select the 'final' status.
Case studies for RPI Assessment
If you are intending to have your Impact case study assessed for RPI points use the 'For RPI Assessment' keyword options. Select the 'draft' keyword to indicate to CRO Administrators that you are still working on your case study.
Once your case study is ready for assessment, change the key word to 'final'. To do this click the '-' next to the draft status to remove it. Then click 'Add Impact case study status' to open the pop-up box and select the 'final' status.
Once finalised, your Impact case study will be verified and collated for inclusion in the RPI Impact assessment.