Newsflo is now available in Pure to automatically add most news items about you and your research, reducing the need for you to add these.
The Newsflo feature in Pure is set up to import news items every day from the internet. CRO staff review and make any articles by or about you available in your CRO records, and in your public profile.
Charles Sturt University News.
Charles Sturt University News items about you and your research are also imported by Newsflo. CSU News items are managed by the Media and Public Relations Office.
"...CSU News provides news and events from every CSU campus and location.
Charles Sturt University Media can assist staff to:
- promote events, achievements or research through media releases and liaison
- prepare for media interview with advice and media training
- promote initiatives through central social media channels
- establish working relationships with journalists in relevant rounds
- draft and execute communication plans for Schools, Research Centres or other specific topics.
To submit a story for consideration, email with a completed media brief. Provide as much information about the topic or event and consider whether the suggested item is newsworthy. In most cases, it is preferable we receive at least one week's prior notice..."