Researchers submitting grant funding applications and/or seeking academic promotion may request a Research Metrics Report from the Library. Research Metrics Reports for grant funding will be given priority during times of high demand (start of teaching session for example).
Reports for academic promotion will need a few weeks' notice. The library will provide an initial Research Metrics Report for academics, and will provide advice and training for academics to update their Report for future reuse. The Library offers Research Metrics and Impact training in the Office of Research Services' Training Calendar.
The report prepared by faculty librarians collates information about a researcher and metrics related to their research outputs, including their profiles. We pull key data from these, so it is important to keep CRO and your profiles up to date (this includes adding your media and news reports, and government publications or agency reports.)
We gather relevant data:
- CRO and ORCiD: Important - for best results you must keep these profiles up to date.
- Scopus Author ID, Google Scholar
- author metrics
- publication metrics from relevant sources
- publication, exhibitions and performance reviews
- Australian & international library holdings of publications.
Due to the complexity of the report, please give us 3-4 weeks for its completion. To obtain a Research Metrics Report please complete the Research Metrics Report Request form or contact a Faculty Librarian.