After you have planned, and successfully conducted your research in collaboration with your community, you should be keeping good records of your Engagement and Impact.
The Australian Government Research Engagement and Impact Assessment ran in 2018 alongside the Excellence in Research Australia (ERA). The Engagement and Impact (EI) framework is intended to assess the engagement of researchers with end-users, and show how universities are translating their research into economic, social, environmental and other impacts.
In anticipation of this, CRO can be used to record your research and impact and engagement with a variety of new forms to record your activities, prizes and awards, and social impacts, to support potential EI Assessment in the future.
Use the CRO Activities forms to record membership of professional or institutional boards, editorial roles, invited speaker, hosting or visiting academic roles or Examination activities. You can use the Impact form to document how your research has influenced policy, industry or society.
CSU Researchers who have been involved in recent EI Assessments have their Research Impact and Engagement case studies available online.