There are many ways to find data and statistics from the ABS but the two most useful ways for you will probably be the Statistics tab and the Search button.
The Statistics tab
Click on the Statistics tab in the top menu bar.
You can then drill down through a series of topics.
For example, select Health in the menu at left, and then choose from five panels: Health conditions and risks; Causes of death; Disability; Health services; and Mental health.
If you choose Health conditions and risks, you can then choose from numerous topics, including Smoking, Asthma, Diabetes, Arthritis and osteoporosis, Chronic conditions, Cancer, and Overweight and obesity,
The Search button
On the ABS website there is only one initial search option: the magnifying-glass icon at the top right of screen.
Click on the icon to bring up the Search ABS search box.
When you have a list of results, you can refine them by Date.
At the results list, you get also get a link to Advanced Search, where you can:
- use combining (Boolean) operators and other search techniques
- limit your search by Date
- choose Sort and Display options.
TIP: if you know how to use Google Advanced Search, you can use it to search the ABS website.