Welcome to the Research Skills Guide for First Year Environmental Science students.
This guide was made for you by a librarian at CSU's Albury Campus Library. It is designed to:
- introduce you to Library services and resources
- help you with the research process
- assist you in finding scholarly information for your assessments.
It should be of particular interest to students to help identify keywords, locate scholarly resources and evaluate the information for use in your assessments.
We will cover the best way to:
- Identify keywords and search strategies for your assessment
- Find relevant resources using the Library and the Internet
- Evaluate your results for suitability
- Use the information in your assessment
You can work through this guide at your own pace, or dip into it as needed. You can use the navigation structure (tabs and boxes), or the Next Page and Previous Page links.
If you need further assistance, please contact me, or contact the Library, as in the boxes at right. You might also find that there is a Library Forum in your subject site.
Wishing you the best for your studies.
Karen Klein
CSU Library