MEDLINE is recognised as the premier index of biomedical literature, and includes allied health.
The search tips below are for MEDLINE on the Ovid platform. Ovid provides access to a number of health, medical, and psychology databases. If you want to search other Ovid databases at the same time, please see Searching in more than one Ovid database at right.
MEDLINE has its own system of subject headings (thesaurus) - MeSH Terms - and includes the Map term to subject heading feature, which means you can check for and search by the official MeSH subject heading. See Using MeSH Terms in MEDLINE.
Much of the content in MEDLINE is also available, free, in PubMed. One advantage of using PubMed is that you don't need a subscription, so you will have access after you complete your studies.
If you are interested in the difference between MEDLINE and PubMed, the NLM has a fact-sheet.
See also the next page in this guide, on PubMed.