Where can I find company information?

Library databases

  1. Can help you locate company information and full text news articles
  2. Are subject specific, so that you get more relevant results
  3. Have many options for refining results

In the table below you'll see a list of our best databases for locating company and industry information, along with search tips to help you find the information you need.

But these aren't the only databases that will be useful for your studies! Take a look the full range of our Business databases.

Searching for company and industry information in Library databases

The databases featured below provide access to company, market and industry information.



Search tips

D&B Hoovers

Previously known as D&B Global Business Browser and before that as OneSource: Global Business Browser, this database provides a range of public and private company and industry information, worldwide and from the Asia Pacific and Australia/New Zealand regions.

When you first log in you might see a Preferences Setup screen. You can change certain preferences here if you like, and then click on Continue

The search box at the top of the screen defaults to showing Search for a Company

The results list shows basic information, but more information is displayed when Quick View is selected 


IBISWorld is a private company which specialises in company and industry research. The collection here consists of Australian company and industry reports and analyses.

On the main page of the database, enter your company name, industry, or relevant keywords into the search box.

You can also use the options across the top navigation to jump directly to Company Research or a range of Industry Research reports.


A global news and business information service, with most material available in full-text. It covers science, health, education, the humanities, and other subjects but has a focus on business, including business news, and company and industry research.

NOTE: We only have 3 concurrent-user licenses to Factiva. If you can't get access, try again later.

Company Snapshot - from the Companies/Markets tab select Company. Search by company name, DUNS, Registration ID or Ticker. 

Industry Snapshots - from the Companies/Markets tab select Industry and choose the type of industry you are interested in from the list.

ProQuest Business Databases

ProQuest Business Databases is a large package of databases with a wide range of business, economics and management related materials and resources, including journal articles, media resources as well as company and industry reports.

For Company Profiles - enter the company name into the Advanced search box and limit to Company Profile from Document Type box.

For Industry Reports - enter industry into the Advance search box and limit to Industry Report, Market Report and Market Research from Document Type box.

Business Source Complete

An EBSCOhost database which includes the full-text of more than 1600 full-text journals and of more than 1500 trade journals and general business magazines, plus other non-journal content.

For Company Profiles - click on More from the drop down menu in the top toolbar above the search box and select Company Profiles or select Company Information link in the top toolbar.

For Industry Reports - enter the name of an industry into the search box and limit to Industry Profile and/or Market Research Report from the Publication Type box.

Business Market Research Collection

ProQuest database with company and industry market research from 3 sources: Hoover’s Company Profiles; OxResearch; and Snapshots Series.

Company Profile - Enter the company name into the Advanced search box and limit to Company Profile from Document Type box.

Industry Report - Enter industry into the Advanced search box and limit to Industry Report, Market Report and Market Research from Document Type box.

Warc Covering marketing and advertising, Warc is an online marketing information service, with a range of full-text resources including forecasts, case studies, best practice guides, industry trends, news, conference proceedings, and journal articles.

Case studies - use the Case Finder tool to search by keyword and limit by a range of filters including media & channels, target audience, budget and more.

Research articles, trends, company profiles and more can be found by opening the menu in the top right and expanding the analysis options. Alternatively use the basic or advanced search function and then use the left hand side options to filter your results.

Connect 4 - Annual Reports This Australian product from Thomson Reuters provides the full-text of the annual reports of all companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, back to 1992. You can search by various criteria such as Text Search, ASX Code and Company Name. A range of company documentation is available. Results show selected, predecessor, and successor companies.
Primo Search

Primo Search allows you to use one search box to bring back results from most of the Charles Sturt University Library collection, such as:

  • Books, eBooks, DVDs and journals
  • Most online journal articles and newspaper articles
  • Charles Sturt University research papers and theses

Company information - put quotation marks around your company name to make a phrase search.

Remember to try searches using the company's legal name and their commonly used name.

Use the left-hand side filter options to refine your list by date, resource type and more.


Search demonstration series

Media databases