Cochrane Library defaults to displaying search results with the Cochrane Review results showing first, with access to results from the other databases (and an indication of the numbers of results) via the tabs that appear above your search results.
Viewing a systematic review:
To access the full text of a systematic review click on the title of the review.
Viewing a Clinical Trial record:
As with the list of Systematic Reviews, the title is a link to the full record. But with these Trials, you just get the citation and abstract of the journal article (most clinical trials are reported in journal articles):
To access a Clinical Trial, you would have to track down the article noted in the citation, to do this try searching for the article title in Primo Search.
Tip: From the Advanced Search Screen in Cochrane you can Browse Reviews, this option is available from the Cochrane Reviews drop down menu that appears toward the top of the page. The browse option enables you to browse by topic, an option you can use when you are unsure of the best search terms to use in this database.
For more information on searching the Cochrane Library please see: Cochrane Library Help