A collection of eBooks on a range of topics, covering the humanities & social sciences.
Charles Sturt Library does not subscribe to all the eBooks in this collection, so you might get many results that are not available in full-text. These are marked with a locked padlock icon on a grey background.
You can filter (refine) your results to show only those that are available in full-text. These are marked with an unlocked padlock icon on a blue background.
When you have applied a filter, that filter persists in your searching until you remove it. This can assist in finding full-text material.
You can filter results by other criteria as well, including by subject and by date.
When you access an eBook, you can read it online (opens in a new browser window) or download it (opens the entire book in Adobe Reader).
Previously available as Oxford Scholarship Online eBooks, this is the eBooks collection within Oxford Academic. Charles Sturt has access to approximately 2000 eBooks across a range of subjects, with unlimited user access.
In Oxford Academic - Books you can search using basic or advanced search, or browse the journals by subject area. The top-level subject areas are:
• Arts & Humanities
• Law
• Medicine & Health
• Science & Mathematics
• Social Sciences.
You can filter your results by various criteria, including availability, format, subject, and publication date.
Charles Sturt does not have full-text access to all content on the site. In results lists, availability is designated by icons: full-text availability is indicated by a green Unlocked (Purchased) icon, a green Free icon, or an Open Access icon. Items that are NOT available to Charles Sturt users are marked with a blue Get access label. You can filter results by availability.
The search box gives you the option to search across the whole of Oxford Academic or the Journals collection. You can also access these at Oxford Academic and Oxford Academic - Journals.
A collection of eBooks in the EBSCOhost platform, covering a huge range of subject areas.
Access and usage conditions vary for books within this collection. But if you wish to download a book for offline use, you will need to have an EBSCOhost personal sign-in, and you will need to have the software Adobe Digital Editions loaded to your computer.
For more information on using this collection, go to the EBSCO eBooks page in the Library's eBooks guide, or EBSCOhost's own EBSCO eBooks guide.
A huge and constantly growing multidisciplinary collection of eBooks. This collection is the Library’s largest collection of eBooks, and covers many of the subjects taught at Charles Sturt.
There are sometimes restrictions on the use of these eBooks. With high-demand items where there is a limit on concurrent users, we recommend that you find and download what you need and then close off the book/browser window to free up the licence for someone else. For a demonstration of how to do this, please see the Library’s short eBooks etiquette video. There are usually limitations on how much you can download and copy, but these should reset after 24 hours.
Some books are available for full download. If you wish to download a ProQuest eBook Central eBook to your computer, you need the free software Adobe Digital Editions. To download to a device, you need a free app: Bluefire Reader or Aldiko Book Reader (for android only).
For help with using this collection, see the ProQuest Ebook Central page in the Library’s eBooks guide. It includes a link to ProQuest’s own guide on the collection, and has embedded videos from ProQuest on the online reader and on downloads.
An authoritative database about Australian literature and storytelling, with biographical and bibliographical information, full text, exhibitions, and online content. Access includes a website to support learning and teaching within the Australian Curriculum (v.9) cross-curriculum priorities.
AustLit is a not-for-profit collaboration between the National Library of Australia and 12 Australian universities, led by the University of Queensland, which indexes and describes Australian literature published in a range of print and electronic information sources.
While most AustLit records provide only citations and library holdings information for published works, there is a range of selected critical and creative works available in full-text. Coverage is from 1780 to the present day.
Access includes a website to support learning and teaching within the Australian Curriculum (v.9) cross-curriculum priorities. The website provides a searchable collection of resources for teachers and librarians to help them identify texts relevant to the three cross-curriculum priorities (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures; Asia and Australia's Engagement with Asia; Sustainability).
An Australian Informit database of entirely full-text content from various sources, covering Australian literature, literary studies, creative writing, cultural studies, history, and society. The link here will take you to the Informit platform with Literature and Culture Collection selected. See more ... below.
This database was created in partnership with the Australia Council for the Arts. It features full-text access to a number of Australian literary magazines. Key journals include Meanjin, Quadrant, Island, Wet Ink, Griffith Review and Southerly.
Content includes unique material - essays, memoirs, fiction, and poetry - that, according to Informit, is "unavailable elsewhere online".
Your searching from this link will be within the Literature & Culture Collection database only. You can change the database(s) you are searching using the Change Databases button. Unless you have changed databases, you will continue to search in Literature & Culture Collection. When you have run a search, your results list will include, at the top, which database(s) you have searched in.
You can use Simple Search or Advanced Search. Advanced Search offers more options for searching, and more limiters. When you have run a search, there are further options for filtering your results. For searching help, there is a useful set of Search Tips at the bottom of the Advanced Search Screen.
The ICDL's stated mission is to "support the world's children in becoming effective members of the global community ... by making the best in children's literature available online free of charge".
The ICDL provides free access to children's books from around the world. It contains literature for 3 to 13 year-olds in a range of languages, and is fully searchable.
The collection is intended for parents, librarians, teachers, and researchers, as well as for children.
A package of ProQuest databases all with literature-and-language-related material. These databases can also be searched individually or in any combination.
This package includes 7 databases. The list of databases below gives an indication of subject coverage. Some of these databases are the literature-and-language subset of a larger database. For example, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Literature & Language is a subset of ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
Most of these resources contain full-text material. As with all ProQuest databases, where a record in your results does not have the full-text attached, you can use the Find a copy links to search for the full item elsewhere.
The specific databases are:
* Arts & Humanities Database
* Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database: Literature & Language
* Career & Technical Education Database: Literature & Language
* India Database: Literature & Language
* Performing Arts Periodicals Database
* ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Literature & Language
* Research Library: Literature & Language.
Once you are in the ProQuest platform, you can change to any other ProQuest database by clicking on the Change databases tab in the top menu. All ProQuest databases can be searched individually or in any combination. You might also be interested in ProQuest's Linguistics Database, which surprisingly is not included in this package.
Project MUSE is a collaboration between libraries and publishers which provides online full-text access to a comprehensive collection of humanities and social sciences journals.
This resource contains listings of eBooks and eJournals but Charles Sturt Library subscribes only to the eJournals, which are nearly 500 in number, and which are all available in full-text.
Note that, by default, you should see only results from these full-text journals.
You can conduct a basic search across the journals, and then refine or expand their search in various ways. Refiners include by research area, author, and language, while you can expand a search to show unsubscribed (eBook) material. You can also browse the entire collection by research areas, titles, publishers, or content types.
Better Reading aims to be a great source of book recommendations for Australian readers and their families. The site brings you the Top 10 bestselling children’s book list every Monday morning.
A collection of free web based visual stories for enjoyment and to inform curriculum delivery. This collection has been curated by Charles Sturt Lecturer, Jennie Bales.
A not‑for‑profit charity working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander remote Communities to provide the tools and resources they request to shape the direction of their children’s literacy future.
These annual awards aim to promote children’s books as literacy tools, as well as raising awareness of the role speech pathologists play in helping children develop language and literacy skills.
The Carnegies are the UK’s longest running and best-loved children’s book awards. Awarded annually by CILIP, the UK library and information association and the Youth Libraries Group.
A not for profit, volunteer run organisation which aims to engage the community with literature for young Australians. The CBCA presents annual awards to books of literary merit, for outstanding contribution to Australian children's literature.
A non-profit association of scholars, critics, professors, students, librarians, teachers and institutions dedicated to the academic study of literature for children.
A website with professional learning and high quality, evidence-based resources for teachers. Many resources are free to access.
Charles Sturt University acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands on which its campuses are located, paying respect to Elders, both past and present, and extend that respect to all First Nations Peoples.
Charles Sturt University is an Australian University, TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018. CRICOS Provider: 00005F.