Items found using Primo can be exported to EndNote, both individually and as a group. It is important to check your references in your EndNote library as some editing may be required.
Important note: eReserve (eresource) records in Primo cannot be directly exported to EndNote. You will need to individually add eReserve records to your library manually, using the corresponding Reference Type for each record, e.g. Book Section, Journal Article.
Individual References
- Login to PRIMO and do your search as normal
- Click on the ellipsis to the right of the record

- Once the option comes up choose EndNote (RIS)

- Once the file has downloaded it will be listed at the bottom of the screen

- Click on the file to open it
- If it does not open EndNote automatically, click Open to download the reference to EndNote
- If you are using a Macintosh computer you may be prompted to choose an application (EndNote) and you may be prompted to select the EndNote Library you wish to use
- If you are using the Firefox browser it will be listed in the top tool bar