
Hi. I'm June, your embedded librarian and I've created this guide to help you with your research for GER404. 

Each section introduces the steps you should take when researching for an assessment. You'll find links to videos and resources that will give you the tools to find great information. Use the activities on the test your knowledge tab to see what you need to revise.

Getting started with your assessment

The first thing is to make sure you clearly understand the task and what topic you are seeking information for; this is called topic analysis. Check your assessment task details in your Subject Outline.

In Assessment 1 you need to critically discuss a case scenario from a practice perspective and how the key factors could impact on how you might work with the older person.

In Assessment 2 you will select a key topic of this subject as a focus for your case study. Then choose one of the age-friendly community case studies in a particular community with a focus on how the community might improve health and well-being of older people.

With an understanding of your task you then need to plan how you will search for information. This starts with identifying and brainstorming keywords.

From your assessment task:

Keywords Synonyms or related terms

social determinants of health

socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity, geographic location, transport, community infrastructure, immigrant
impacts on older people aged care, ageing, senior, elder, isolation
professional practice response, care, plan, approach, person centred care, consumer directed care

Does your task place any limits?

For guidance in topic analysis check out:

Choose the right place to search

Before you start searching, think about what types of information you need and where you can search to find those types of resources.

Primo Search

Primo Search is a good place to start as it allows you to use one search box to bring back results from most of our Library collection including books, eBooks, journal articles, newspaper articles and more. You may get a large number of results and some of these will be from outside your subject/discipline area. Check the content is relevant to your assessment task before you use it.

Library databases

Databases will help you find academic resources and are often subject specific. You will get fewer results than Primo, but they will be more relevant to your subject/discipline. 

I recommend trying the following databases:

The Allied Health list has more databases you can search.

Plus the broader Graduate Certificate in Gerontology guide for research guidance and on professional practice or the Recommended Resources for Gerontology may be of use.

Learn how to search efficiently in Primo and Library databases:

Other Sources

Tip: Try searching Google using a phrase and site search e.g. "age friendly communities" Site:gov.au

Centre for Ageing Better. (2021). The eight domains of age-friendly. https://www.ageing-better.org.uk/age-friendly-communities/eight-domains

Municipal Association of Victoria. (n.d.). Age-friendly cities and communities. https://www.mav.asn.au/what-we-do/policy-advocacy/social-community/positive-ageing/age-friendly-cities-and-communities

Surf Coast Shire. (2022). Age friendly communities. https://www.surfcoast.vic.gov.au/Community/Over-55s/Age-Friendly-Communities

World Health Organization. (2021). Age-friendly environments.  https://www.who.int/teams/social-determinants-of-health/demographic-change-and-healthy-ageing/age-friendly-environments

Create a search strategy

When you search using Primo Search or a library database use the keywords and limits you identified above to create your search. Combine the keywords with search operators, rather than searching with a whole sentence or question. Search operators tell Primo or the database how to search with your keywords.

For your assessment topic potential search strings could include:

  • "aged OR senior OR elderly" AND (PCC OR CDC)
  • "aged care" NOT jobs
  • (aged OR senior OR "older person") AND (Indigenous OR Aboriginal OR "First Nations")

Remember: you will need to try a range of searches. Don't stop after just one.

To understand how search operators work check out:


Using credible information will improve the quality of your assessment and may result in better marks, but how can you tell whether the resources you've found are credible and suitable for your assessment? Have you been asked to use peer reviewed, academic or refereed articles? Are you using authoritative websites?

The information below will help you evaluate the information you find, in books, journal articles, or online to make sure it’s reliable.

Keen for more?

This assignment specifically directs you to read more widely than the course readings. To find articles, try a number of different Primo or Google Scholar searches. Use the Find tab on this guide.

You can also take a look in the following Gerontology journals:

Additional library support:

Reading, writing and referencing

The Academic Skills team can help you to build your writing, referencing and reading skills to be successful at Charles Sturt.

Explore resources from the Academic Skills team in the Learning Skills section of the Student Portal.

Here are some pages to get you started:

Your textbook

Good news!

Your textbook is available online through the library!

Follow the best practice in the video below to ensure you have access to what you need without disadvantaging other students in your subject.

Using AI

Have you been asked to use Generative AI Tools (GAITs) in your assessment? Or are you thinking of using GAITs for research and study? 

Make sure you are aware of the risks associated with using GAITs:

  • Academic integrity
  • Plagiarism
  • Inaccurate content
  • Intellectual property
  • Privacy concerns.

For more information see:

Microsoft Copilot

You have access to Microsoft Copilot's secure enterprise version while studying at Charles Sturt. This means your data is protected when using the secure version of Copilot via a student account, hence your data isn't retained or used for training the genAI. To find out how to access, head over to Charles Sturt's Microsoft Copilot page.