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Journal article |
- Get the best source of academic or scholarly information
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- Find citations and reference lists that will help you identify other important works on a subject.
Newspaper/Media |
- Investigate public attitudes to topics and issues
- Get the latest information about new ideas or inventions in engineering.
Australian database of streaming videos from free-to-air and pay-TV, selected for tertiary institutions.
A searchable database of Australian free-to-air television news, current affairs, and (selected) documentary programs, available as digitised video.
A ProQuest database featuring the full-text of Australian and New Zealand newspapers. Previously called ANZ Newsstand
eVideos |
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Theses and dissertations |
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See how to format and present a thesis
- CSU theses are held by the Library.
- Electronic copies of theses from 2009 onwards are available in the CSU Research Output (CRO) repository as PDFs. CSU Library also subscribes to various theses and dissertation databases.
- For more information about locating theses from other institutions, go to the Library's Theses & Dissertations page.