Is the journal sociology-related?
What happens if you find an article, but you're not sure if it comes from a sociology-focused journal? Search the journal title in Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory and / or SCImago and refer to the journal's subject classification. Does the database classify the publication as sociology-related?
In the example screenshot below, from Ulrichsweb, notice several useful information fields. The 'Description' and 'Subject' fields indicate what the journal is about and the main topics it addresses. You'll also notice that Ulrichsweb confirms that the journal is peer-reviewed, or 'refereed'.
In Primo, you can see similar information: search using the title of the journal, Gender & Society, open the Primo preview of the journal, and navigate to the 'Details' section for the journal.
Determining if a journal is a mainly sociological journal, or includes elements of sociology, can help you choose whether it is useful and appropriate to use in your assessments for SOC101, especially Assessments 2 and 3.
Making a start: Suggested sociology journals
Click through the tabs to see a selection of journals that focus on social movements and / or sociology.
For Assessment 3, I recommend you spend some time searching in journals like these to find articles relevant to your discipline and assessment topic. The journals are arranged broadly by theme.
These journals are just a start, and remember, always evaluate the suitability of any articles you find.
Tracking Citations
Once you have found a good article, you can use its citations or reference list to find additional resources.
Footnote chasing
Check the reference lists of articles you have already found to find related readings. This will lead you to resources that are older, so keep this in mind if your lecturer would like you to use recent material.
Citation searching
Check who has cited the article you've already found. This will lead you to material that is newer.
Some, but not all, databases have a feature where you can see who has cited the resource you're looking at.
Keep in mind though, the database is unlikely to show you every citing article, as a database can only compare its own records.
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